Team: Sabaheta Šaćiragić, Legal Officer; Habiba Hadžović, Senior Administrative Clerk; Mirsad Hasković, Receptionist and Janitor; Remza Kereš, Hygiene Technician.
The administrative part of the Institute is a department in which defined tasks and assignments are performed for all the laboratories and the Institute as a whole. These are particularly the following activities:
- administrative-legal, operational and advisory activities;
- administrative and technical operations and monitoring the legality of operations;
- organization and monitoring of accounting and financial operations and records;
- service activities of permanent and temporary bodies of the Institute;
- implementation of created forms of internal organization and functions of work units;
- adequate support of the implementation of scientific and expert projects;
- maintenance of a working space, infrastructure and logistics;
- and other specific activities - appropriate to the nature of activities.