iMAF - Index of Major Allele Frequencies

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IMAF R script calculates major allele frequency index (IfM) proposed by Pojskic et Kalamujic (2015),  Index shows the difference between detected and expected frequency of the most common allele, assuming equal frequencies of all detected alleles at a given locus.

Pojskic, N. (2018). iMAF - Index of Major Allele Frequency. Genetics & Applications, 2(2):78-81.






Pojskic, N. (2018). iMAF - Index of Major Allele Frequency. Genetics & Applications, 2(2):78-81.

Pojskic, N. and Kalamujic, B. (2015). Simulations based on molecular-genetic data in detection of expansion Salmo trutta allochtonous population in the Neretva River's tributaries. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology / 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France. 539-540.